As interesting as 50 Cent discussing his thoughts on salad tossing is, I'm more interested in his thoughts about the words nigger and nigga. In a recent interview with Howard Stern, 50 tells the Stern crew that if Eminem were to use the word around him, he wouldn't be offended. He goes on to talk about how some of the whites he grew up with greeted him with the word. I get his argument, though I still think it's bullshit. But, I wouldn't expect anything less from 50. Oh the irony in this dude saying it's alright for white people to use the word in certain instances yet Oprah Winfrey is the one catering to white people.
Sometimes I wonder why wasn't there a tenth bullet.

Before you ask, I'm being facetious.
Click here to listen to the interview.
The Cynical Ones.