My last entry about Brad Pitt was mostly done in jest. Poor wording aside, Brad meant well, and it says a lot about he and Angelina to go out of their way to educate themselves on how to properly care for Zahara. I'm stating this merely to get the point across that I'm not I'm hypersensitive. Alright, now that the disclaimer is out of the way, let's take a look at this magazine cover, shall we. My intial reaction was what the fuck? My reaction five minutes later is the same. Was Naomi busy the day of the shoot or something? Is this supposed to actually help drive the point home? Blackface is never right under any circumstances. I understand what they're trying to do with this cover but this, like those "I Am African" ads, are executed poorly. Oh how out of touch the liberal elite continue to be. Or maybe it's just me. Does Kate Moss in blackface make you care more about the AIDS crisis in Africa?
The Cynical Ones.