Talk show host, comedian, actress, and bitter pill to swallow, Rosie O'Donnell has issued a half-assed apology to the Asian community for a joke she made on 'The View.'
The joke was in reference to Danny Devito's rumored drunk appearance on the show the week prior.
"The fact is that it's news all over the world. That you know, you can imagine in China it's like: 'Ching chong … ching chong. Danny DeVito, ching chong, chong, chong, chong. Drunk. 'The View.' Ching chong," said O'Donnell on the program.
The Asian-American Association of Journalists issued a statement shortly after: "We consider this a mockery of the Chinese language and, in effect, a perpetration of stereotypes of Asian-Americans as foreigners or second-class citizens. The use of the distorted phrases is insulting to the Chinese and Chinese-Americans, and gives the impression that they are a group that is substandard to English-speaking people."
"She's a comedian in addition to being a talk show co-host," Cindi Berger, O'Donnell's spokeswoman, said in a statement. "I certainly hope that one day they will be able to grasp her humor."
Yes, who doesn't love racist stereotypes under the guise of humor?
On her blog, Rosie responded to emails about her remarks:
Reader: Why did you think it was alright to mock Chinese people and the language on The View?
O'Donnell: It was not my intent to mock. Just to say how odd it is that Danny drunk was news all over the world, even in China.
Couldn't you have just said it like that, Rosie? Seems like your stand-up bit is a little played.
From an article posted on
People online:
After running a clip of the offending segment, which originally ran Dec. 5, she said, "This apparently was very offensive to a lot of Asian people. So I asked Judy, who's Asian and works here in our hair and makeup department. I said, 'Was it offensive to you?' And she said, 'Well, kinda. When I was a kid people did tease me by saying ching-chong.'
"So apparently 'ching-chong,' unbeknownst to me, is a very offensive way to make fun, quote-unquote, or mock, Asian accents. Some people have told me it's as bad as the n-word. I was like, really? I didn't know that.
O'Donnell said that her joke was "never intended to hurt anyone, and I'm sorry for those people who felt hurt or were teased on the playground," but added that in the future, "there's a good chance that I'll do something like that again ... Not on purpose."
So basically, I'm ignorant, I didn't know about the stereotypes like the other couple hundred million Americans, so I'm sort of sorry, but then again, not completely, because I'm going to do the same shit again. Oh yeah, womp womp womp at you being teased about this shit on the playground. Sucks to be you.
Niiiiiice, Rosie.
Isn't Rosie the same person, who only weeks ago, chastised Kelly Ripa for her comments to Clay Aiken? You know, where Clay himself claims to be straight and would like to keep his sexuality private, though Rosie herself labeled Ripa a homophobe, thus outing Clay in the process?
For someone that's quick to criticize anyone who pronounces the word gay wrong, you would think Rosie would be a wee bit more mindful of the jokes she makes.
Call it a hunch, but I have a hard time believing Rosie would see the humor in someone "jokingly" saying d-d-d-d-d-dyke-dyke.
The Cynical Ones.