Today is the premiere of Lindsay Lohan's latest film, the aptly titled,
I Know Who Killed Me. Call me cynical, but I'm guessing her film might not have the best opening weekend considering recent events. I think a more interesting film would be a documentary entitled
I Know Who Killed My Career. Such a film would give Lindsay complete creative control as writer, director, producer, and star.
The cast includes:

Hold the diet.

Toot that thang up, mommy, make it roll.

Always a good influence.
I like Lindsay. Unlike most of the present company she keeps, I think Lindsay has actual talent, and if given a chance, could go on to accomplish much as an actress. I don't blame her completely for her troubles: I save a sizable portion of the blame for her media-hungry parents. I'm sure if you turn on the TV right now you will find mother Dina
still making television appearances asking for privacy while speaking about her daughter publicly.
Hopefully, someone introduces Lindsay to the following:

Someone please find her.

Ignore Amy Winehouse.

Your ankle will love you for it.
What? It beats Lindsay blaming
'the black kid' for driving.
The Cynical Ones.