Buffy Da Bodee and her boyfrand, Goochee Mane, posteded a veedeo from hurr innanet raallidy show, Buffy Da Bodee On Demann. En dis heer clep, Buffy triccd some nu rims off Goochee. N den, dey tawk bout musausages, pedeecoolers, in sum otha sheet.
Affta luking at dis, I got sum ?s 4 yaal:
1. Slavery is over, right?
2. No, for real. Do they know we's free now, boss?
3. Am I the only one who wanted to call 1-800-ABCDEFG? after watching this?
4. Did you lose about 20 brain cells after listening to these two for four minutes?
5. Isn't it amazing what butt injections, Remy hair, gold teeth, and smoking your education away can do for people these days?
6. Is Gucci moving bricks or something? How can he afford to buy Buffy that car? Did that many of ya'll download the "Freaky Girl" ring tone?
7. The editor of this clip is dead wrong. Aren't these two way hotter than Will and Jada? They're at least giving Cruella Barrino and Young Dro a run for their pawn shop loan, right?
8. Should I feel bad that despite talking all of this noise, I understood everything they said?
9. Ya'll do realize that thanks to No Child Left Behind and reality TV, there are going to be a whole generation of colored children speaking just like these two?
10. After watching this, are you thinking about grabbing your digital camera, and your local crackhead to shoot a pilot for a reality show, too?