As you've noticed by now, I've become more comfortable with solicitation on The Cynical Ones. So comfortable I'm doing it right now.
While I appreciate those of you who have hit me up to say you enjoy
my other blog on The Root, "The Recession Diaries," I need more people to start contributing letters. I've hit up friends and gotten great material, and when MSN picked up my piece about my plight with student loans, I got a lot of emails from people wanting to share their own experiences.
However, things have started to dry up so which leads me to this post.
If you know would to like to discuss your experiences with the current economic crisis, please email me your story at therecessiondiaries@gmail.com. If you know of anyone else who might be interested in submitting a letter, please forward them this post.
I'm trying my best to get as many different experiences as possible. Some of been downright depressing while others have been incredibly motivating. In short, I'd like both and all that fit in between.
I want to continue putting my best foot forward, and I can only do so by getting as much feedback as possible. I've been getting from people who tell me I never mention any of my other writing gigs with them. Eh, very guilty of that, but hey, I'm telling you now...at least about this one anyway.
So if you could be so kind, help the cause.
Oh and if you're wondering what the hell that is in the picture, it's a dead raccoon. I stumbled along the story via a
post by Fresh @ C+D and after reading the article in full and watching the video, I had to post about this on The Recession Diaries.
How can you not write about someone who calls himself "The Coon Man" and argues folks aren't ready for the tough times because they're not out in their backyard hunting for supper.
If you want to check it out,
click me.
The Cynical Ones.