Far be it from me to tell someone how to raise their child, but Monica's son, Lil' Rock, as she loves to call him, looks like he's already jacking his classmates for their Capri Suns at lunch time.
I wonder what baby's first words were? Snitch maybe? I can only image the kid's first sentence: "That's my big wheel now, bitch!"
Earlier in the week, Monica updated fans on her whereabouts - including details on Lil Rock's Christmas:
...AND TELL YOU SOME OF THE THINGS I'VE BEEN DOING. FOR STARTERS I TRULY ENJOYED THE HOLIDAYS. MY SON(RODNEY) REALLY MADE CHRISTMAS MERRY. HE'S QUITE A FAN OF ELMO SO I REALLY WENT OVER BOARD ON THAT, AND I THINK HIS REAL FAVORITE IS HIS CADILLAC TRUCK THAT HE DRIVES AT TOP SPEED AND WE SING "THROW SOME D'S ON IT" BY RICH BOYFitting she types in all caps given the fact that most of her new material leads one to believe she'll bust a cap at a moment's notice. Why do I get the feeling that this song, which includes the hook, "Throw some D's on that bitch" is what the little toddler listens to before going to bed?
Maybe it's just me, but I would think with an ex-boyfriend on parole, and another ex-boyfriend who sold drugs that ultimately killed himself, Monica would choose not to dress her child like he's hiding baby's first glock in his pants.
Or maybe Monica just loves the No Limit era so much that she's decided to dress her child like an extra from the "Make Em' Say Uhh" video until he's old enough to decide he's going to continue dressing that way until he's forced to put on an orange jump suit.
If you're wondering, no, I'm not classist. I am not a product of suburbia, which is probably what makes me even more confused. I grew up around people who dress their kids exactly the way Monica does. Why? Because they think it's cute. The only difference between them and Monica is that it's harder for them to escape that mindset because they haven't been anywhere and haven't been encouraged to think there's more to life than what's around them. I can't say the same for Monica, whose had success and been all over the world so you would think she'd realize there was more to life than glocks, hustling, tattoos, and the hood. I guess I'm expecting too much. I suppose that's not real enough.
Monica's most mature album was released nearly 12 years ago. It's not a coincidence that she her career peaked nearly a decade ago.
Monica has gone from gracing the cover of
Teen People standing in-between Britney Spears and Nick Carter to a feature in
Vibe where she talks about wanting to get the new glock.
I've always liked her, but I'll never understand why doesn't a lot of what she and other glorify get old after a while? And I'll never get why do people like her choose to live a life they didn't have to live while others not afforded that option search desperately for ways to get out.
So gone indeed.
Her career is turning into a real life sketch of "When Keepin' It Real Goes Wrong."
She's gone from the next Whitney to the new Bobby.
No one send this to the Black Widow of Atlanta, please. I don't want to die.
The Cynical Ones.