I really don't like the idea of me seeming old at the age of 23, or even worse, a prude. But after listening to a song called "Teabag Dat Hoe," I think I'm ready to grab my walker and turn on Hi- Five's "The Kissing Game" as I'm beginning to value subtly.
I have been called vulgar, once, twice, more times than I can count --- and that was just last night. But, I've never said "drop them nuts all in her throat" over a Casio-made beat. I do have standards.
I heard of this song a long time ago, only I blocked it out with the hopes that if I didn't hear it, it would never become real. So much for that.
The poetic geniuses behind this masterpiece make 2 Live Crew look like Boyz II Men down on bended knee.
Despite the misogynistic
lyrics, this special ode to oral therapy has still managed to find fanfare among some impressionable young girls everywhere.
Check out the comments of the song on
Big Booty 21's imeem playlist.
teabag dat hoeeeee lol this is the shit haha
lol ya gotta do my folk..dis shit crunk ass hell.......And Ya Kno Dis ........nishaIt's times like these that make you appreciate the illiterates of the world.
If you want to hear the actual song, you can click on that link. I opted not to embed the stream on my blog. Call it a hunch.
The Cynical Ones.