I tend to look at Lil' Wayne as nothing more than an over hyped walking RAID commercial, but I realize I'm in the minority. Still, could some of you Weezy F(*cks) Baby fans find this man a publicist? I get that Wayne loyalists treasure his pill-influenced, Mother Goose swagger jacking rhymes, but I don't think the "positive" effects drugs have on his lyrics translate over to his interviews.
XXL magazine asked Lil Wayne about the perception that he's over-saturating the market with his music, to which Weezy replied, "Darling, I don't care what nobody think. Talk to me like you talk to Martin Luther King or Malcolm X. You're not going to ask him about what he thinks about what somebody said about him. You ask him about his greatness, and his greatness only."
No that's not Nutty Negro-itis, that's ecstasy and weed. How does guest appearing on anyone's track so long as they have a Subway coupon warrant a comparison to Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X? One of these days the spirits of MLK and Malcolm X are going to come back and bitch slap a lot of people. Please let them start with hip hop's version of Dr. Suess.
Labels: loser bitches, say what
The Cynical Ones.