Short yellow bus hip hop has to stop.
I normally don't like to post about anything unless I have specific details, but in this case, I'm just going to have to be vague, because I can't let this one go. I don't know if this song is local or not, but there is a song where the man repeatedly yells out "yer." Like, I can't quote him verbatim, but in the song I hear, "Blah blah blah, bullshit, yadda yadda, something really stupid, Louis Vuitton, money, girl you fine or something, "Yeeeer!" And then you hear it again and again. "Yeeeeeeer!" More and more."Yeeeeeeeeer!" He says it after every comment about a girl, basically. The hell is yer? That sounds like something I used to hear Marcus the spechul child at day care make whenever he would pour his pork and beans on the table to eat and play with. "My-cawl, look at the floud on the tay-bowl. Yeeeeeeer!"
Now has anyone else heard this song? I don't know who's behind it, though the odd noise maker in question mentions something about Vic Damone, if that helps. If someone can take an incoherent noise like "yer" and turn it into a song and get airplay with it, what's next? Someone stepping outside with their old Talkboy and recording pigeons? I can hear it now: "That ass chirp, chirps. Got the birds going chirp, chirp."
The Cynical Ones.