Well it’s that time of the quarter again: Y’know, beg ya’ll to spread the blog link around like an STD at an Uncle Luke event.
I know, I know: I sound like a Bad Boy artist asking for their publishing back.
I’ve been working on my sales pitch, though. Want to hear it? Here it go.
You don’t want to see me tossing on some hooker Air Max’s and doing a two-step on the ho stroll, do you? I didn’t think so. (Now if you nodded yes after reading that last sentence: that’s cold blooded, pimpin’.)
So, if you would be so kind as to forward this blog to your co-workers, classmates, and fellow internet whores like myself (but not whore in the freaky way; more like the information junkie, disease free mold), I would be most appreciative. Just spam them. You can title the email anything you’d like. I like “A Little Procrastination Never Hurt Nobody” myself.
Or if you know somebody that knows somebody that can assist in expanding the brand, feel free to title it: “Give This Colored Boy Some Work.”
Diablo Cody went from the pole to the blog to the Oscars because the right agent read her blog. I’ve been known to get low, but what if I decide to one day be the next Barack Obama (only less “We Are The World”-ish), I can’t have that on my record.
It’s not like I’m asking you to leave any money on the nightstand (but if you’re down for that, too, I have PayPal). I just want you to help the cause. C’mon nah. Do it for love.
Thank you.

She ought to try this approach herself.
The Cynical Ones.