If he weren't possibly the worst President in history, George W. Bush might actually be likable. Of course, I only mean that in a funny drunk sort of way. He's the type of person that would make you laugh at the bar and give police someone else to watch for the night. Double your pleasure.
That type of person shouldn't be President, though. For everyone that voted based on the premise that you wanted to say that you could see yourself having a beer with your elected leader, take a good long look at what that logic leads to. Yeah, you could meet this clown at the bar for a beer, but you had to sell your sperm and eggs to buy enough gas to get there. Not to mention sooner rather than later, you'll probably be getting in knife fights over the last bag of rice at Costco.
And most people from Europe and China are likely spit on you if you try to give them American dollars.
Be proud of yourselves.
The Cynical Ones.