I'm not really big on trends, so from time to time a lot of things escape me. That shit around Chris Brown's neck would be an example of such instance. What is that exactly? I imagine since it's winter, the scarf/hood combo serves a purpose in keeping his neck and ears covered. But he's in a short-sleeved t-shirt and riding a skateboard, so are his arms not cold? No seriously, I'm intrigued.
My friend says it looks like Chris was playing with a group of kids and had to be the terrorist. Though somewhat plausible, I'm guessing there's something else to it. Someone please tell me if Chris actually bought that separately or he simply cut up one of Rihanna's sweaters after she took his Happy Meal toy.
I just want to make sure I'm up on new stuff. I really hope this doesn't pick up, though. It seems worse than when everyone started walking around looking like a gay pirate two years ago.
The Cynical Ones.