I take it CNN decided to go with Tony Harris because he's black and already working the shift, but in future debates, I think it would be best if they went with someone who actually watches BET. If you have to ask if "A Bay Bay" is aired mid-afternoon you're not watching BET. Very anchor-like, he's talking over the guests to throw out his own opinion, but he's clearly misinformed about the network's programming. Way to prove your point, Tony.
When I first saw it, I thought it was satire. It sounds like Lil Jon', the lyrics are telling children to read a book the same way most current songs on the Hot 100 tell them to bend over, so I pretty much got what the people behind the song and video were going for early on.
Perhaps the notion that you have to speak to audiences in this way to grab their attention is an issue, but I didn't personally find it offensive.
If anyone should be mad about the video, it should be Aaron McGruder, because it's swagger jacking his style to the nth degree.
I'm more intrigued by the BET being behind this. The irony.
Now that mainstream media and Jesse have all pounced on this, I get the feeling this debate will only intensify.