Did anyone ever figure out what type of puppy that was on her head?
Disclaimer: Of course not all women are bitches. I'm gender-neutral on the word. Men can be bitches, too, and will be featured in this as well.
Now, that we’ve gotten that out of way let me continue my rant on the most delusional bitch of the week.
As part of her press run for the push for her second round of celebrity dick tales, The Vixen Diaries, Karrine Steffans has been calling in to a number of radio stations across the country.
For one station in Detroit, she’s quick to snap on a DJ not to call her “Superhead.” Ok, Karrine, I understand. Maybe they call you Incrediblehead now.
But then she snaps into asking why society celebrates a name like “Superhead.” This is of course the same celebrity-obsessed society she purposely marketed her book towards.
One more thing:

Uh huh.
She goes on to deny that sleeping with celebrities is how she got her success.
“My success comes from being able to sit down and write a 250 page manuscript and sell it and become a New York Times bestselling author.”
From her new book:
"I recalled his face and lips [exploring my body] … I wondered how I tasted to her." --- Karrine on her relationship with boxer Antonio Tarver shortly before he married.
Toni Morrison and Zora Neale Hurston from beyond called. They both said, “Ho, sit down.”
“The point of the first book was that sleeping with people got me no where.”
If that’s the case, why is she still writing about it? Nevermind, wouldn’t want her to strain her head to think about all the times she’s given it.
After being called out on her pornographic past, Karrine defends it by shouting back that she was a 20-year-old-mother that got left by her husband, was hooked on drugs, and needed money. I guess the bank and Macys weren’t hiring.
There’s another interview with the Rickey Smiley morning show. Angered again by type of questions again, she tells the morning crew:
“At this point and stage, I feel like people in the African American community no one wants me to change, and no one wants me to be different. And it’s really disheartening for me when I speak to all these stations and – because you know I do this all day long now – it’s usually my own people that try to tear me down and ask me ignorant questions. I’d like to see more of my people ask more of the questions…I don’t want the white folk to get all the good stuff.”
Then she continues to go on to portray herself as some victim, and pretending to act as if she didn’t use sex as an ATM card.
I find it interesting that she’s championing white people for their “intelligent questions.” Well when you perpetuate a stereotype about black women, I’m sure some circles would welcome you with open arms. I'm even more sure a lot of mainstream outlets could care less about her.
She also said she can’t speak to ignorant people, because it gives her a headache. This is the same woman who’s writing about rough sex with Mike Tyson, allows Bobby Brown to sleep on her couch, and gone on extasy binges with a number of rappers. Hand her the Advil.
I really don’t mind the fact that she’s chasing celebrity so long as she’s being truthful about her methods of attaining it. She just irks the hell out of me trying to be saddity on-air when you can’t help but wonder if her walls are collapsing with every new chapter she writes.
Do what you do but real about it. I don't knock her hustle. I knock her for being devoid of reality.
Labels: bitch grow up
The Cynical Ones.