Writer. Music head. Political junkie. Pop culture whore. Funny black boy. Looking to have a voice in the world -- with a few good sponsors.
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The Roll
Previous Posts
1. When did Sho’nuff have children?
2. Are they the new Bee and Jay?
3. How do you think Michael Vick is feeling right now?
4. Did Chaka eat something off that boy’s plate?
6. Is this the future of Jet’s Beauty of the Week?
9. Will this urinary tract-deficiency having pedophile ever go to trial?
10. Isn’t it amazing what a few butt injections can do for a person’s career?
11. Rihanna’s dad spit her out, didn’t he?
12. Why do I get the feeling she’ll request to be buried naked?
13. Are you ready?
15. Pepa’s going to be dropping it like it’s hot in the club when she’s 60, isn’t she?
16. Who designed this dress? Target or CBS?
19. Are they reaching or could you really see Tina putting this out?
20. Can’t we just be happy that Mary’s finally doing fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, just fine…whew?
Labels: I need answers