I've known for a while now that Chick-fil-A shoulder leans to the conservative side of the political spectrum. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that them closing their restaurants on Sunday suggested that the company is headed by Evangelical Christians. I never grumbled about their decision to do so either; I actually respect them for it.
I wish more companies that claimed to represent certain values would run their businesses as such. It would be great if I could get my 24 nuggets, or two sandwiches with wheat and provolone (I learned about wheat and provolone from a friend) any day of the week, but if people are that strong in their views I'll glady wait until Monday.
But there are some cases where a company's view of the world might prevent me from supporting them. I'm not entirely sure if this is an example of such yet.
It's been brought to my attention that there is a bit of an uproar over Chick-fil-A supporting those who participated in the tea party protest. Honestly, I found most of those people to be hypocrites whining because their side loss. If they were that pressed about high taxes and big government they would have tossed an ocean's worth of tea bags at the White House when Bush ran it into the ground over eight years. I see this protest as nothing more than political posturing not worth paying close attention to.
I had a feeling the company supported John McCain in the last election.
Still, I love their food. I'm sorry, but I do. It's so good. They use peanut oil, which is healthier than what the other fast food chains are fryin their stuff in. Speaking of other fast food joints, sometimes I have to wonder whether or not I'm really eating chicken or "chik'n." I don't have those fears when I enter a Chick-fil-A.
The staff members are typically polite (sans this jackass colored lady at one location in Houston), and they often giveaway free food. Once because I was the 100th customer of the day I got my meal comped. Another time I drove at NASCAR speed so I could get the free chicken biscuit the location nearest me was handing out to frequenters.
The food is so so good. They're not even stingy with the condiments. These days a cashier at McDonalds is ready to start a shootout if you ask for extra sweet and sour sauce. Or so I've heard. I haven't been to a McDonalds in quite a while. Their nuggets are usually pretty good, too, after the club, but eh, I don't go. Same for Wendys.
But you know, neither has anything on Chick-fil-A. That is, unless one or the other is willing to sponsor this blog and my life.
OK, what I was talking about again? Sorry, I got lost in a sea of breaded chicken.
Oh, the political stuff. Yeah. Alright, people are upset because a lot of these tea bag protestors are racist as hell. I saw some of the scenes. A lot of those illiterate jackasses were throwing out age old stereotypes to insult Obama. Yawn.
However, I kind of see why people would be upset. Why toss your money behind an event catering towards a certain faction of society inclined to dabble in bigotry?
And it's not just this tea party protest either. They tossed a lot of money behind Proposition 8. In case you haven't caught on yet, I'm pretty left of left in terms of my political views. I wasn't happy about the decision (although I know it will eventually change).
So does that mean I should stop supporting Chick-fil-a?
My first reaction is NOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Fourth: Hell no.
But then, if I met with the family that runs Chick-fil-A, they'd probably send me to hell. :|
I try not to throw my money behind companies that support any form of discrimination. I've read about Walmart's alleged mistreatment of its employees, but damn, they're cheap. Actually, I hate going into most Walmarts.
In fact, a month or so ago someone took me to the location on Crenshaw. Before you even ask, it was not my idea. When I went in there, it seemed like the location should only be allowed to sell coke...and I don't mean the kind that comes in a can.
Yet when I go online, I look at the prices and think, "I love you Target, but they're cheaper right here."
Am I hypocrite? I have the desire to use my purchasing power correctly, but I have to be rationale: Some shit is too high, and a deal is a deal.
If I can't even shake Walmart completely, how could I ever do the same with Chick-fil-A?
Fortunately, I don't have to make a choice yet. I don't know of any standalone locations in LA and I don't really frequent the mall like that anymore. It's not
recession friendly.
Maybe I can write a letter to the Cathy family (who runs Chick-fil-A) before I ever think it buy another meal from them?
P.S. I doubt many of ya'll even care about this because you're too busy eating your leftover chicken from Popeye's. I know a bunch of ya'll went and got up on the 8 piece mixed 4.99 special yesterday. Gimme a biscuit.
Labels: eff yo sammich, politics as usual
The Cynical Ones.