I wasn't among the many who looked at the coverage of the Popeye's debacle or the KFC riots last week and dipped their heads in shame. We have Obama, we have Oprah, but we're always going to have a bunch of fools that media outlets are more inclined to cover for several different reasons.
Plus, I wanted the free chicken myself. I write a blog called 'The Recession Diaries' -- clearly I'm not one to turn down a free meal. Just yesterday I went and took my KFC coupon to El Pollo Loco and got myself some chicken since KFC decided to act brand new.
So while I can respect the freebie lovers of the world, I'm going to need people to stop acting as if some locations not honoring a coupon for free chicken and a biscuit is a grave injustice. This is not the Jena 6 nor is it voter disenfranchisement. This is a promotional campaign gone awry because it didn't dawn on the marketing team behind it that with this country turning into the United States of Section 8 there might be a greater response than normal to some free grub.
Listening to these folks complain like KFC literally ripped a chicken wing from their guts is irritating.
Then you have people like her cutting up in the drive-thru line. What do you think costs more: A $3.99 grilled chicken meal or the money it's going to cost you to post bond after being arrested for trespassing?
Stop it, ya'll or at the very least run from the news cameras until they start showing more white people cutting up.