Sigh. Mario has decided to finally cave in and let a vigilante barber and a hack A&R rep transform him from the anomaly that was being one of the exceptionally talented vocalists left in contemporary R&B to yet another cliche.
Mediocre R&B song full of references to designer labels. Of course.
Cameo from current run-of-the-mil southern rapper. On deck.
Pseudo R&B-thug tinged appearance. Check.
Video looking like product placement 101. You betcha. (c) Sarah Palin
Leading lady someone of the 'other' persuasion. Who else would they get?
This song and its accompanying video are bullshit. There's no other way to say it. I really like Mario's voice and the potential in him. His last album was slept on, and the previous success he enjoyed with "Let Me Love You" proved that someone with a voice who's singing about love versus sex or love of materialism can still score a massive hit on radio.
But I imagine the receipts from his last album lit a fire under him to try something - anything - that could boost his profile.
Someone ought to whisper in his ear that this won't do it. Not only is the song not all that catchy, he's late on jumping on these trends. He looks very much like he's playing dress up and has made it even easier for Chris Brown to come back.
Mario, get a hair cut, call Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis or someone who can lead you back to the side of R&B that compliments your style and get it together. That ain't it, dude.
If you'll excuse me, I'm about to turn Michael Jackson back on. Ya'll can have that.