My people are an extra bunch. Sometimes that extra is necessary, other times doing the most doesn't really work out so well for us. In case you're unsure of which direction I'm going with this man's head, it's the latter.
Now I understand how excited so many of us Black, white, Pussycat Doll orange, and Michael Jackson pale all are, but do you really want one side of your head looking like a walking portrait and the other resembling the side of an ice cream truck?
Someone I know swears I'm an Obama zealot, but I tell you one thing: I'm not walking around looking like my left ass cheek reads, "I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message."
If I stuck a snow cone cup under the right side of his head I'm sure none would be the wiser.
Stop that, ya'll. Then again, it is his head, and he has a right to do whatever he wants to it. I think a T-shirt or a button drives the message good enough, though.
I hope his boss isn't a McCain supporter.
The Cynical Ones.