I remember being a freshman at Howard and being confused as all hell when I took a course called "Gender Roles and Relations."
I didn't know what I was getting myself into, but I learned a lot and became confused even more by semester's end. Confusion isn't necessarily a bad thing, though, because it allows you to learn about things your prejudices and the outside forces that have produced them would normally not allow you to.
Such is the case for the piece I wrote on B. Scott. Admittedly, I didn't necessarily get it at first. And like some, I thought that by behaving in a sort of way it made it difficult for others who don't necessarily share behavioral traits.
That, however, is as flawed an argument as it is a selfish one and the longer I took the to open my mind up the more appreciative I became of people like B. Scott and others who choose to live their life in a way that might not be classified as a norm yet could care less.
I invite each of you to read it, register and leave a comment.
I focus on B. Scott, but I also touch on confining notions of masculinity and whether or not people should have free reign to challenge them.
Judging from some of the responses about my Tiny and Toya piece, I can imagine even less people will hear me out in this article.
We're all different and judging people before you really take a chance to see their point of view won't lead result in anything but a bunch of pissed off folks.
Ahh well. I'm young and like me not initally getting it, a lot of people will learn. In due time.
Until then...
Click here to check it out.
P.S. No worries: My ign't ways will be exploited again on the blog before you know it. I don't need ya'll thinking I can read and shit. There's no money in that!
The Cynical Ones.