I'm starting to feel bad for the Clinton campaign -- well Chelsea anyway. Look at her speaking at Shady Pines. From the looks of these people they look bored out of their minds. Like they can't wait for her to wrap it up so they can go play in their medicine cabinet. My friend told me they look more like they're saying, "That's not my granddaughter! They tricked us! I'm going back to my rocker!" Sounds about right. Thank you, S. Lake.
I wonder where she's going.

I know she's out there.

75,000 people hopped - including those on their boats - came to listen to Obama speak. It's exciting, yet kind of eerie, no?
Everyone with a clue knows that it's been over, no matter how hard they try to convince us (and themselves) otherwise. She'll probably win Kentucky tomorrow, but if I were Hillary Clinton, I would've showed up as this rally with a cup. She knows she needs the money.
The Cynical Ones.