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Sunday, September 30, 2007
6:27 PM

See I Can Be Nice


Though she’s a bit out of my age bracket, I like the idea of a 15-year-old not caving into the pressures of a recording industry (and society) quick to sexualize a person at the earliest signs of puberty. It’s refreshing to see a young woman not allowed to vote not pushing the envelope with a Lolita image (for now anyway). So while I’ve never actually heard anyone actually talk about a promise ring outside of maybe dialogue from an episode of Saved By The Bell, I’m relieved that a young Tiffany Evans isn’t saying, “Yes I’ll lick you with my tongue ring” or “The baby is yours” or remind me of any of those young fools bragging about giving it up for a double cheeseburger off the McDonald’s dollar menu on Maury Povich.

And after watching a live performance of “Promise Ring” via Youtube I was happy to see that she could sing and dance at the same time – something I haven’t seen from an artist her age (and in a lot of cases, a lot older) since the 90s. Alas, there's hope for her generation and hope for me that I won't become the old man who constantly yells musings about the "good ole days" of music to poor random souls in my 20s.

The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 2 Comments

Saturday, September 29, 2007
3:16 PM

Watch This Commercial For Only 9.95


I love Mariah Carey. Only she could sexualize a perfume ad in a subtly that's normally only exhibited by 976 number commercials. The close ups, the dabbing of the perfume in the most personal of places, and the cheesy kiddie keyboard produced music: I felt like I was watching a trailer for a 90s era softcore porno on Cinemax.

But this is Mariah, so all of the butterflies, rainbows, and lambs in the world are working overtime to make sure I don't shun her for preserving her sessy for the millionth time. With that being said, do you, Mimi. Do you.

The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 1 Comments

Friday, September 28, 2007
12:30 PM

This Week In B*tch Grow Up


Did anyone ever figure out what type of puppy that was on her head?

Disclaimer: Of course not all women are bitches. I'm gender-neutral on the word. Men can be bitches, too, and will be featured in this as well.

Now, that we’ve gotten that out of way let me continue my rant on the most delusional bitch of the week.

As part of her press run for the push for her second round of celebrity dick tales, The Vixen Diaries, Karrine Steffans has been calling in to a number of radio stations across the country.

For one station in Detroit, she’s quick to snap on a DJ not to call her “Superhead.” Ok, Karrine, I understand. Maybe they call you Incrediblehead now.

But then she snaps into asking why society celebrates a name like “Superhead.” This is of course the same celebrity-obsessed society she purposely marketed her book towards.

One more thing:

Uh huh.

She goes on to deny that sleeping with celebrities is how she got her success.

“My success comes from being able to sit down and write a 250 page manuscript and sell it and become a New York Times bestselling author.”

From her new book:

"I recalled his face and lips [exploring my body] … I wondered how I tasted to her." --- Karrine on her relationship with boxer Antonio Tarver shortly before he married.

Toni Morrison and Zora Neale Hurston from beyond called. They both said, “Ho, sit down.”

“The point of the first book was that sleeping with people got me no where.”

If that’s the case, why is she still writing about it? Nevermind, wouldn’t want her to strain her head to think about all the times she’s given it.

After being called out on her pornographic past, Karrine defends it by shouting back that she was a 20-year-old-mother that got left by her husband, was hooked on drugs, and needed money. I guess the bank and Macys weren’t hiring.

There’s another interview with the Rickey Smiley morning show. Angered again by type of questions again, she tells the morning crew:

“At this point and stage, I feel like people in the African American community no one wants me to change, and no one wants me to be different. And it’s really disheartening for me when I speak to all these stations and – because you know I do this all day long now – it’s usually my own people that try to tear me down and ask me ignorant questions. I’d like to see more of my people ask more of the questions…I don’t want the white folk to get all the good stuff.”

Then she continues to go on to portray herself as some victim, and pretending to act as if she didn’t use sex as an ATM card.

I find it interesting that she’s championing white people for their “intelligent questions.” Well when you perpetuate a stereotype about black women, I’m sure some circles would welcome you with open arms. I'm even more sure a lot of mainstream outlets could care less about her.

She also said she can’t speak to ignorant people, because it gives her a headache. This is the same woman who’s writing about rough sex with Mike Tyson, allows Bobby Brown to sleep on her couch, and gone on extasy binges with a number of rappers. Hand her the Advil.

I really don’t mind the fact that she’s chasing celebrity so long as she’s being truthful about her methods of attaining it. She just irks the hell out of me trying to be saddity on-air when you can’t help but wonder if her walls are collapsing with every new chapter she writes.

Do what you do but real about it. I don't knock her hustle. I knock her for being devoid of reality.


The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 2 Comments

Thursday, September 27, 2007
12:45 PM

Was It That Serious?


After reading Jason's comment, I decided that maybe I was a bit hard on the show. I didn't mean to imply the show was completely pointless. What I thought was pointless was the Crossfire inspired back and forth yelling. That's not debating to me. I think when you come into something with a defensive attitude, you're not going to be open to hearing the other side, and in the end, you end up just saying something that falls on deaf ears.

But it could have been worse. T.I. could've gotten up and stabbed Dyson in the throat.

A man stabbed his roommate after they got into a heated discussion about the music industry, Leon County deputies said Wednesday.

The roommate, along with witnesses, told deputies he was accidentally stabbed while washing dishes. They maintained this version of the story until confronted with the inconsistencies of their accounts.

It later came out that the roommate and Morris were watching a TV show about the state of hip-hop in America. The two began discussing how black men are portrayed in the music industry.

As the conversation became heated, Morris grabbed a knife, according to the arrest report. The two struggled for control of the knife and then Morris stabbed him.

The irony. I'm thinking of a word that I really don't want to say. Gave it up. But dammit, I know you know what I'm thinking!


The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 1 Comments

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
11:34 AM

Hip Hop vs. America, Part 01


Missed part one of the series of debates BET has set up to discuss the siege on hip hop? Think of a group of children pointing at each other and yelling, "You did it!," "No youuuuuu did it!" back and forth for long a period of time with nothing of note being accomplished at the end of the it. There, I just saved you an hour of your life.

But if you're curious for a few more details, here's a short review of some of last night's panelists.

This man seriously needs to need to hop off 2 Pac's dick. He's dead, Dyson. Let the worms have it already. Last night he flexed his extensive vocabulary to say a bunch of nothing, then ended his sermon-style delivered rant by quoting a bunch of rap lyrics and reppin' the West Coast. We get it: you're down.

Are you as glad as I am that Nelly no longer covers his pimples with band-aids? Praise Proactiv. I didn't agree with him completely, but he managed to make a few points of merit and came across as someone with sense. I still think he employs the dodge-and-deflect approach when it comes to owning up to his actions. I appreciate him showing up to talk about "Tip Drill" --- albeit a few years late. I'm glad NWA's lyrics never motivated him to shoot anyone up. But, I'm interesting in knowing how 2 Live Crew (among others) influenced his depictions of women. A-ha!

What an angry little man. I really like him, but dammit if he didn't sound like the fool last night. He spoke like his front teeth were missing and his tongue had a stroke. Thankfully, I'm from the South, so I could make out most of what he said.

I never agree with him, but the one time I actually don't mind to hear him speak, he's mute most of the time. Thanks for not countering Dyson's nonsense, Stanley.

For the most part, both sides accomplished nothing because instead of listening, they pretty much yelled at each other and at certain points seemed visibly upset. I'm sure books were sold, though. Hooray for that!

If I'm glutton for punishment, perhaps I'll watch part two later tonight.

The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 1 Comments

Monday, September 24, 2007
7:25 PM

Say What?


"You are the modern day Sade." - Rosci to Alicia Keys after the premiere of Alicia's video for "No One."

I've been listening to Sade since I was three. Don't believe me? Email my mama. She'll tell you about this:

That's the Fisher Price record player I used to bump Sade back in the day. I find that insulting. The only thing I can think of that those two could have in common are drugs. Alicia's blunt to Sade's pipe.

I could compare Alicia Please to Mr. Whiskers, because that's who she sounds like on that track.

No oooooooooooooooone

No oooooooooooooooooooone



The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 6 Comments

Saturday, September 22, 2007
2:04 PM

Swagger Jacker Of The Week






Whoever told Crust (thanks, Blu) that the taped up library-bound glasses with the Coke can cap chain was the look to shoot for to plug the new album is probably on Usher's pay roll.

It seems like his camp is unfamiliar with the phrase 'trying too hard.' So far that approach to marketing has done wonders to build anticipation for his sophomore release, Exclusive.

Check out the debut of his second single on the Hot 100.


Zoom. Look at it go.

I know I make fun of the kid, but I don't want him to flop. I get the feeling he'd back flip a couple of times out of anger then cry if his career tanked like Bow Wow's. That's no good. But, I'd advise him to give DMC his hat and frames back and let Shock G keep the title of goofiest artist alive if he's looking into making a successful transition from teen act to adult artist.


The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 2 Comments

Friday, September 21, 2007
4:00 PM

Re: Jena


This might not be a popular opinion, but I'll go ahead anyway.

I'm glad people are in Jena and I am glad people are taking a stand, but it actually bothers me a bit that it takes a story of stereotypical southern town with hanging nooses for people to talk about racism and segregation in large numbers in this country.

When I first heard about Jena, I wasn't surprised because I already knew about towns like that in Louisiana, Texas, and other parts of the South.

There's a town in Texas called Vidor. It's en route to Louisiana and it's a town I wouldn't dare stop in. I'm not welcomed.

But the irony is, every major city in this country has large portions who harbor that same attitude towards people that look like me. It's called redlining. I was listening to coverage on CNN for a few minutes and I heard the anchor, Tony Harris, say "It's just like the 60s here." Then he went on about Civil Rights. I'm just amazed that in this country everything has to go back to that.

I'm not saying forget, but I would think with schools more segregated now than they were before legalized segregation, and the end of affirmative action, jail figures, the way we're depicted in the media (including Fox News anchors being openly racist on air), the huge numbers of blacks not even finishing high school, gentrification, and just so many other instances of obvious racism (even if it is covert, it's obvious) going on in this country that people won't talk about or take action unless you hear a story about a noose. There's already a noose tied around Black America's neck; a lot of us are just too busy pretending it's not there.

Like I said, I believe that this a great thing that people united to take a stand. I'm not trying to say it's pointless in any respect. I appreciate the symbolism.

But, I get the feeling it might take another noose or a burning cross to get major reactions out of people --- and it shouldn't have to.

The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 4 Comments

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
4:32 PM

Who's Going To The Bad Place?


(Hey, I'm not mocking. They're for dramatic effect. Don't stone me.)

All you lay religious people, triflin' heathens, and flat out non believers are getting a reprieve this week: God just might have bigger fish to fry this Friday besides any one of you.

We start off with Ernie Chambers, a Nebraskan state Senator that filed a lawsuit against God last week.

Chambers says in his lawsuit that God has made terroristic threats against the senator and his constituents, inspired fear and caused "widespread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants."

I was scared to even re-post that on my blog.

It gets worse:

The Omaha senator, who skips morning prayers during the legislative session and often criticizes Christians, also says God has caused "fearsome floods ... horrendous hurricanes, terrifying tornadoes." He's seeking a permanent injunction against the Almighty.

Chambers claims his suit is in response to a federal suit filed against a judge who recently barred words such as "rape" and "victim" from a sexual assault trial. His goal is to make the point that anyone can file a lawsuit against anyone else as they see fit.

I know, I know. He got that from Ally McBeal. Swagger jacker.

Ironically enough, Chambers looks exactly like Morgan Freeman when he played God in Bruce Almighty.

Moving on to contestant number two in "Who's Going To The Bad Place?," televangelist Juanita Bynum. As mentioned on Sandra Rose, it seems Bynum needs each and every one of us to donate seeds to build "threshing floor." She's reaching out through a video posted on her site.

This "threshing floor" is where she goes to touch God for us...for only $9.95.

I'm kidding. She actually charges you a $1,000 to pray for God on your behalf. Miracles aren't cheap.

This "threshing floor" sprawls over 30 acres with 12 lakes. She needs $200,000, and is asking us to give her any seed --- $300, $500, $1,000, whatever your checkbook desires.

Guess someone wrote down the quote "Now we're glad to have the kind of money that jingles, but we'd rather have the kind that folds," while watching Coming To America.

I'm a bit lost on the idea of a "threshing floor," but I do have a couple of questions.

1. Wasn't she in the news a couple of weeks ago for getting her ass beat? Shouldn't I be praying for her?

2. I understand that MC Hammer said that we got to pray just to make it today, but since when do I have to chip in to ask God to hear my prayers?

3. So is she for real, for real? This isn't TBN trying to do sketch comedy, is it?

4. People are really going to give her the money, aren't they?

5. Why can't she pray for us at church where it's free?

I hope I'm not offending anyone, but I'd feel closer to God singing the Amen theme song than I would giving her hundreds of dollars to help build a "threshing floor."

I believe in prayer, but I don't believe in paying someone's car note.

The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 3 Comments

3:13 PM

You're A Mean One


Here's that new Fabolous video for a song I'm hoping to forget in the next ten minutes. Peep the cameos from Flavor of Love and Charm School's own Larissa and Shay. Mortal enemies? Not if the check clears.

Whenever I look at Larissa, I think of that green bastard that tried to steal Christmas from Whoville.

I knoooooow you see it. I'm ready to hide my presents now.

The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 2 Comments

1:46 PM

It's Not Just George Bush


Vigo the Destroyer lookalike and Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson has added his name to a long list of candidates unwilling to participate in presidential debate sponsored by PBS to be held later this month. The debate is scheduled to take place at historically black college, Morgan State University in Baltimore.

Thompson joins Presidential candidates Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, and Senator John McCain. Each of the liars are basing their cancellation on scheduling conflicts. You would think if you're at the level of running for President, you would be accustomed to lying, therefore you would come with a better lie than 'scheduling conflicts' - especially when you were alerted about the debate several months ago.

Only a few short months ago did this same Republican snub occur, this time for a debate sponsored Spanish-language channel, Univision. Only John McCain accepted the invitation to appear. The debate was subsequently cancelled. And, as The Huffington Post reports, only one Republican presidential candidate bothered to appear at the National Association of Latino Elected & Appointed Officials convention. That candidate was Congressman Duncan Hunter, and no, I have no idea who that is either.

Tavis Smiley on Republicans ignoring the colored folk:

"There is a pattern here, when you tell every black and brown request that you get throughout the primary process that 'no, there's a scheduling problem.' That's a pattern... Are we really supposed to believe that all four of these guys couldn't make it because of scheduling?"

Hell nawl.

Former RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman chose the date because it worked best for all the potential candidates, Smiley said.


This isn't the first debate Republicans have played around with. The date for the You Tube/CNN debate for Republicans had to be changed after Romney and Giuliani used the same scheduling conflict excuse. What they meant by scheduling conflicts was, "We saw the Democratic debate and noticed CNN didn't censor questions, and we're not about to make asses of ourselves."

I'm sure they're even less enthused at the idea of explaining their bullshit to an audience of minorities, particularly in a city like Baltimore where its effects are increasingly evident. They've seen The Wire. They don't want none. Hopefully they're reminded of their cowardice when they begin pandering to minorities with their Spanish-ads and newly-learned Southern accent in various black churches across the country next year.

Despite the bitchdom displayed by four of the leading Republican candidates, the debate will go on as scheduled - with the empty podiums left on stage.

I love my people.


The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 0 Comments

Monday, September 17, 2007
4:14 PM

It's Britney, B*tch


Since Britney Spears seems to be the only topic that matters anymore, I might as well give everyone their fix for the day:

Writer points out the obvious.

Only outdone by this story. I'm betting more Cheeto stains.

The FBI - obviously with nothing better to do - is investigating a hit placed on K.Fed's life. No word if it's Britney or if the perpetrator(s) sought a two-for-one-deal. Still awaiting word on why the FBI cares.

Perfect timing: Britney's lawyer bails on the mother-of-the-year candidate the day of her custody hearing. Why? Britney ignored suggestions on how not to give your children away to your corny rapping ex-husband. Britney quickly finds new high powered attorney to ignore.

Gloria Allred has managed to get involved in the fray, confirming what's been long suspected: She's nothing more than ambulance chaser with a publicist. Allred represents the long rumored "secret witness," a former Britney bodyguard who alleges drug use and issues with nudity against Britney. Britney...on drugs? Britney having issues with nudity? I would have never guessed.

He is not cross-examined.

This just in: As I type this entry, TMZ reports the FBI denies the story of investigating a death plot against Kevin Federline. Their likely feeling: "We're not that lame."

There's also some war going on, but like last nite's Emmy's, Britney doesn't make an appearance, so whatever.

Update: Britney has also been rumored to have been dumped by her management team today as well. Being dumped by your lawyer and manager all in one day. Impressive.

Update Two: Britney loses temporary custody of her kids.

She lost her lawyer, her manager, and her kids all one in day. This chick is having the WORST...WEEK....EVER!

Or maybe not, since she might not have lost custody after all.

No word on what time Britney went to Taco Bell at this time.

This has been your day in Britney.

The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 0 Comments

Sunday, September 16, 2007
9:12 PM

We're Getting Dumber and Fatter


Not many politicians are willing to give it to you straight, no chaser. Even fewer are willing to say anything that can't be carefully turned into a campaign-commercial ready sound bite. It's all about saying the right things to pacify the American electorate - which usually results in telling Americans what they think we want to hear versus the actual truth.

That's why despite his not having a chance in hell of getting the nomination, I appreciate former Alaskan Senator Mike Gravel for leveling with Americans. Click here to see the video in which Mike says the following:

"I'm prepared to tell you that Americans are getting fatter and dumber. I have no problem saying that."

"I've also said that Americans are going to get the government they deserve. And so if things are going bad, just remember who put these people in power."


The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 0 Comments

Saturday, September 15, 2007
7:00 PM

Giving Me Something I Can't Believe


I'm all for self-esteem, but sometimes people get beside themselves. I know I'm supposed to respect my elders, but I think someone should sit Aretha Franklin down and give her some perspective. In an interview with People, the Queen of Soul discussed among many things, her upcoming made-for-television film based on her autobiography, From These Roots.

Who'll play you?
I'm not sure yet. Jennifer Hudson came to read for me. I also have an interest in Halle Berry possibly doing it. And Fantasia.

Halle Berry? Really, Aretha? Do you honestly think Halle Berry looks like you?

I know, I know. She's a diva. It's her world and I'm just waiting for her to sing in it. But Halle Berry? Anyone that's spent time in interviews discussing their love for pig's feet knows Halle Berry can't play them. C'mon nah.

I can see Halle playing the right side of her, but who's going to play the rest?

"Call Me" is one of my all-time favorite songs, particularly the live version that I'm still grateful that my great friend bought for me, but I don't love it enough to forget that Jabba The Hut is more fit to portray Aretha than Halle Berry. Yogi Bear even.

And before anyone gets on me, yes I realize Aretha used to be a lot slimmer, but there aren't enough cheese biscuits from Red Lobster in the world to bribe me into believing that Halle Berry should play Aretha Franklin. That would be lying and lying is wrong.

Besides, I don't think Halle would do the role any justice. Try a newcomer. Let someone new get a chance to shine, Re-Re.

Spotted @ DListed!


The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 1 Comments

Thursday, September 13, 2007
3:31 PM

The Gays Have Done It Again


Remember Ja Rule?

The one who used to matter a couple of years when he was the star of a label called Murder Inc.? The guy, who, when he wasn't rapping about extasy, weed, and committing acts of violence, used to croon love songs with Lil Mo' --- usually sounding exactly like the Cookie Monster? If not, he's the one who wrote the remix to "I'm Real," which caught J.Lo a lot of flack for casually singing (over Ashanti's vocals) the n-word.

It seems he's found a way to remind us that he's alive. And if you're wondering, no, recording with Lil Wayne doesn't count. You give Wayne a dollar and he'll jump on your track. I'm not impressed.

Later this month Congress will hold a hearing looking into stereotypes and the degradation of women in the media --- particularly Black women. The Congressional hearing will focus on hip hop lyrics specifically.

In an interview with Complex, the inspiration behind "Wanksta" lashed out at Congress.

"Yeah, they got my man Doug Morris under fire and shit, they got him going down to go speak to Congress about hip-hop lyrics, are you fucking serious? There's a fucking black kid right now about to get 25 years for having a fight with some white kids over hanging the nooses over the white tree, lets get to that. Let's get into shit like that, because that's what's tearing up America, not me calling a woman a bitch or a hoe on my rap songs."

Partial credit for the Jena 6 mention, but wait, it's coming.

"And if it is, then we need to go step to Paramount, and fucking MGM, and all of these other motherfuckers that's making all of these movies and we need to go step to MTV and Viacom, and lets talk about all these fucking shows that they have on MTV that is promoting homosexuality, that my kids can't watch this shit. Dating shows that's showing two guys or two girls in mid afternoon. Let's talk about shit like that! If that's not fucking up America I don't know what is."

And there it is. So the promotion of violence, drugs, and misogyny isn't hurting this country, it's corny dating shows that feature homosexuals souring this country's values.

This coming from someone once accused by DMX of having his own poking session with a male stylist while high on extasy. (To be fair: Crackheads lie, but you never know.)

I'm actually not a fan of the government telling us what's right and what's wrong, but it's idiots like Ja giving them motive.

He has a point that hip hop isn't the sole reason for this country's woes, but when it comes to stereotypes and degradation of black women, his calling a woman a bitch or a hoe is an issue.

Ja followed the question about the hearing up by speaking on his coining of the nickname "Superhead" for Karrien Steffans.

Yep, it's definitely the gays.


The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 2 Comments

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
4:39 PM

Same Old, Same Old


If a group of white people kidnap and torture you while calling you the n-word for several days, don't expect the federal government to get involved and apply federal hate crime charges against them if you happen to know any of the Klan-inspired gang members personally.

The Justice Department has just announced that six men accused of sexually assaulting and torturing a young black woman for up to a week in Big Creek, West Virginia will not face federal hate crime charges due to evidence that undercuts the hate crime law.

“She obviously had some sort of social relationship,” Logan County Prosecutor Brian Abraham said. “That is based on the fact that she was present at his residence on a prior date.”

The federal hate crime law dictates that crimes must be motivated by racial hatred and not by non-race-related conflicts.

According to the criminal complaints, Williams’ captors, all of them white, choked her with a cable cord and stabbed her in the leg while calling her a racial slur, poured hot water over her, made her drink from a toilet and made her eat dog feces and rat droppings.

She was also beaten and sexually assaulted during a span of about a week, according to the complaints.

It wasn’t until an anonymous tip led Logan County Sheriff’s deputies to the property on Saturday that her ordeal ended. She limped toward the deputies, her arms outstretched as she cried, “Help me!”

This obviously sounds like nothing more than the settling of a personal vendetta that isn't the least bit motivated by any form of prejudice. Subjecting her to sub-human conditions that racists believe black people deserve, along with hurling racial epithets at her while doing so is just a coincidence.

At one point, an assailant cut the woman’s ankle with a knife and used the N-word in telling her she was victimized because she is black, according to the criminal complaints.

But she knew one of them, so it's not a hate crime. I get the Justice Department's rationale, but come on.

Never fear, though:

Logan County Prosecutor Brian Abraham said his office would pursue other charges first because they carry stiffer penalties.

Now all we have to do is leave the fate of the six non-hate crime committing racists to a jury of their peers. I'm sure we can depend on West Virginia for justice.

The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 5 Comments

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
5:01 PM



What a queen.

As soon as I get down Kanye West reminds me things could be worse: I could be a thirty-year-old millionaire that whines like an eight-year-old about not winning a popularity contest.

Thank you, 'Ye.

P.S. Leave Britney alone! Hasn't she suffered enough? I bet Kenny Chesney doesn't act like this.

The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 2 Comments

1:03 PM

Kelly Rowland Doesn't Care About Success


Kelly Rowland "Ghetto" feat. Snoop Dogg
Uploaded by tigermichal

Using the change from Beyonce's pocket and drawing inspiration from 90s era St. Ides commercials, Kelly Rowland has released the video for under-performing single number two, "Ghetto," featuring Snoop Dogg.

I know what you're thinking: "Soldier," "Hood Boy," "Can't Leave 'Em Alone," and Monica's post 2003 catalogue aren't enough. We need more thug-lusting anthems on the radio. Who doesn't love going on runs, getting knocked upside the head a few times, and visiting your man in jail?

Who cares if the only dice Kelly's shot were probably on a Monopoly board game? Suburbanites with best friends named Barbara like Kelly should be allowed to celebrate the negative connotations of hood life like everyone else.

And what better way to do so than with an aging rapper who latches on to youth almost as hard as he does to his blunt.

Kelly has all the fine makings of a hot video: a green screen, a car, a Dodgers hat for a West Coast-inspired set, blue eye shadow, and purple hair? So ghetto.

I haven't seen failure captured this well visually in a long time. This b.s. could even get a laugh out of Britney Spears.

I want to be behind Kelly, but when someone is this accepting of wackness, what can you do? I should have gone with my gut and used that $10 I spent on her album at Chili's.

The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 4 Comments

8:28 AM



I don't know anything about Kenny Chesney. I just know I'm tired of hearing about Kanye and 50, and I'd rather this guy go number one than either of them. I figured he was the obvious choice over new albums from the Debarge-inspired, Sportin Waves-supported B5, and the prescription to Zoloft-needing fallen member of Bone Thugs N Harmony, Bizzy Bone.

Curtis is a bore with its superfluous guest appearances from the likes of Nicole S. (I'm not even trying that one today, and I'm too lazy to Google it), Robin Thicke, Justin Timberlake and Timbaland, Eminem, and others. It's the type of record Ja Rule would have made if he still mattered: "I'll kill you right after I sing four or five love songs to you."

Graduation sounds like the same old, same old, only with a more electronic sound. The latter is far better, but Kanye irks me so much that I'm not wasting my money on him. The recording industry banded together to shove this 'battle' down our throats to boost sales and save some of their jobs. They all get an A for effort, but I'm not coppin' either disc. Those millionaires will live. Ahh well.

Team Chesney!

The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 1 Comments

Monday, September 10, 2007
5:18 PM



She looks like she should be served with a side of greens. :(

The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 3 Comments

12:05 AM

It's Over, B*tch!


Hours before the VMAs began, another Top Model marathon aired, followed by a repeat of The Hills – proving what we’ve known all along: music videos are no longer the bread and butter of Music Television. They have become a novelty on the network where if you’re lucky, you might catch a few moments of a video on the fledging TRL, or if you’re really lucky, early in the morning, you achieve the bigger rarity of viewing a video in its entirety. With that understanding, it’s no surprise that an awards show centered on awarding excellence in music videos on a network that no longer celebrates the medium to lose its sense of self and face a severe decline in relevance.

Speaking of loss of self and declining relevance, MTV has spent the last days leading into the award show promoting the ‘comeback’ performance of pop queen turned tabloid shrew, Britney Spears. There’s been video posted of her rehearsal posted on MTV.com, articles detailing the performance, and artist advice to Britney on the performance all in an effort to build anticipation for the performance (and give the show its first possible ratings bump in four years).

If only she had listened. Wearing a costume that would have been a perfect fit before the children and addiction to Taco Bell, Britney leisurely executed her choreography in her best impersonation of an intoxicated robot. She also looked heavily medicated; if only she shared her prescription with us. With shots of the audience either looking stunned or holding hysterical laughter in, everyone saw what seems to be sure fire proof that Britney’s career may not ever recover.

Fortunately for Britney, MTV did very little to raise the bar.

I’m not sure if I’m supposed to count the random performances that occurred during the Kanye, Justin/Timberland, and Foo Fighter parties that MTV wrongly assumed we needed to shoot back to every couple of minutes, so I’ll just forgo addressing most of them. I will ask whose bright idea was it to promote a slew of performances and only show a handful in their entirety?

Chris Brown’s performance would have been great if it were on So You Think You Can Dance. When performing a song, it would be grand if you actually took out the time to sing some of it. Points for originality go to him for being the billionth person to try and re-do Michael Jackson's old moves on an award show.

When Rihanna appeared on stage to strut sex and sing a verse from summer anthem “Umbrella,” during Chris Brown’s set, one would assume that maybe Chris would join her in a duet given his appearance on the “remix.” That would make too much sense, I suppose.

Rihanna, in her best “bad girl” get-up, gave me another reason to call her a wackass by lipping the lyrics to “Shut Up and Drive” with a live band.

The highlight of the lowlights was Alicia Keys. Not a fan of the song, but she didn’t suck, so that alone will stop me from being hard on her. I won’t even talk about her stage attire. Nope. Won’t do it.

I couldn’t tell you who won what award, since they served as a backdrop for the entire show. I did catch Rihanna winning the night’s highest honor for video of the year. Talk about hard times.

I think the show’s only real winners are the advertisers.

Shia LeBeouf got to plug Indiana Jones 4.

Rhapsody very annoyingly tried to get me to log on to their site to pay to watch extra performances online every five seconds.

Curtis and Graduation received even more attention, giving me even more incentive to go out and support Kenny Chesney.

Jive promoted Britney’s album and the “Gimme More” ringtone, which I think took a lot of balls, because after that performance, why bother?

The only other winner I can think of is Christina Aguilera, whose pretty still laughing as I write this.

Last week several articles were written dissecting MTV and its relevance (or irrelevance) in pop culture. For years MTV defined what and who mattered, then somehow managed to find itself a step behind with the short attention span having generation they helped create. The pressure was on for MTV, and its chosen savior, Britney Spears, to deliver a show and performance that would serve as a testament to the durability of both brands.

Both Spears and MTV fell flat on their faces, exposing all of its ugly flaws to a world so ready to write both off into oblivion.

Neither did little to dissuade me from logging on to Youtube to see Britney at her peak and see the growing video site beat MTV at their own game.

Perhaps the network had the right idea with the Top Model marathon.

The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 3 Comments

Sunday, September 09, 2007
4:16 PM

No Comprende


After watching her do the southside in the video for Destiny’s Child’s debut single, “No No No (Part II),” Beyonce found a special place in my heart. So special that I’ve always tried to make sense of her comments, no matter how untrue, poorly worded, or ridiculously stupid they may be. That includes everything from ‘unique interpretations of actual events’ dealing with ex-bandmates LeToya, LaTavia, and Farrah to ‘inaccurate but probably purely accidental’ claims to penning songs like their remake of BeeGees classic, “Emotion,” the megahit “Crazy In Love,” and her B-Day sales-saving smash “Irreplaceable.”

I’ve overlooked many of her indiscretions, including a performance at President Bush’s 2001 inauguration in which she commanded to the crowd, “Now let me hear you say Bush” without following up with the words “You stole the election!,” “Go fuck yourself!,” or “Please don’t ruin this country!” afterwards.

I even turned a deaf ear to thug-lusting, hood glorifying songs like “Soldier” while sternly warning my impressionable young niece to date a good looking nerd out of fear that the multi-tasking pop star’s message may have resonated with her.

Over the last few years, though, it’s become increasingly difficult to ignore such inane comments from her to the press like, “In order to be a strong woman, you must have a strong man.” I remember once suggesting that she look into wearing a muzzle, but after a while I thought that was a bit harsh. Not so much anymore.

At the age of twenty-six, one would think Beyonce has developed a certain degree of knowledge about the ways of the world, or at the very least, the ways of a highly-skilled publicist that can help guise the fact that she couldn’t get a clue on sale to anyone not privileged enough to know her personally (or willing to shill out $500 to meet her on tour). I’ve always known this, yet I chose to pretend it didn’t bother me; but now, I simply don’t know how much longer I can go on pretending - especially after reading her interview with Latina magazine.

Always looking to expand the brand and drain a project for all its worth like a merciless vampire (but no shade: get as much as you can while you’re still on top), Beyonce has released an all-Spanish EP dubbed Irreemplazable, featuring songs from the already re-released with Spanish songs B-Day album.

At the conclusion of the Q&A, Beyonce was asked if she had any thing that she would like to share with her Latina fans. She thanked her fans for embracing her. This embracement must have been overwhelming. So overwhelming Beyonce seems to be bitten by the jealously bug. She told interviewer, Angie Romero, “With the Latino stations, there was so much love and everyone is so genuine. I’m just jealous that I wasn’t born Latina. I wish I had been because the culture is so beautiful.”

Say what? Just last year was she not speaking about her Creole heritage, her proudly being a part of an all star black cast for a big-budget Hollywood musical, along with other feats she would like to accomplish as a black woman? Lest we forget she also said she makes ‘black records.’

How am I supposed to make sense of this? Should I be at least happy the interview wasn’t done in February?

I get that she’s just trying to crossover..and over…and over. I’m sure she’d tell a Beijing-based publication that she wish she learned Mandarin in second grade if she thought it would help her increase her profile in China.

Maybe she didn’t mean it the way it sounds, but this is yet another example of what happens when your parents let you drop out of school. I blame them.

The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 3 Comments

Friday, September 07, 2007
6:53 PM

The Ill Lockdown


Foxy Brown's dreams have finally come to fruition: she has officially become Lil Kim.

After leaving New York twice without informing the court or the probation department, changing her address from Brooklyn to Mahwah, N.J. without permission, failure to tell the court of seven traffic summonses in New Jersey, forgoing attendance at anger management classes, and busting a neighbor upside the head with her cell phone, Judge Melissa Jackson has sentenced Inga Marchand to a year at Rikers Island.

Foxy, who has been promising us a new album for several years now, decided to go the demure route this time for her court appearance, dressing in what has been described by the Associated Press as an "elegant gray pantsuit."

Begging and pleading for another chance at freedom, Foxy told the judge prison isn't where she wants to be, and that she now realizes the error of her ways, and is willing to do whatever it takes to change. She said she's been humbled.

"I'm not going to give you any more chances," the judge told Brown. "I hope you turn your life around and never again have to stand in a court of law."

Jackson replied, "Ms. Marchand, it's too little, too late. I'm glad you're learning something; that's a positive."
TMZ also reports that the judged called her a great actress.

Ouch. Sounds like someone's been listening to "Tambourine."

I've always liked Foxy as a rapper, but over the years, her nonsensical rants, delusions of grandeur, and reported Korean-attacking antics make it hard to be sympathetic. I can't feel bad for you going around acting as if you've had a hit within the last two years. Hell four.

I only worry about her because she's pregnant, and I hate the idea of anyone having their child in prison.

Then there's the issue of Lindsay, Paris, and Nicole all getting off. If Foxy wanted to act the fool and get away with it, she should have moved to California. On second thought, I'd rather they all be cellmates.

Ahh well. Maybe Foxy will finally learn that "Hot Spot" can only get you so far and that you don't steal clothes, attack nail technicians, or impersonate Naomi Campbell. If we're lucky, maybe someone at Rikers will hip her to a new lipstick color. Foxy's lips have been looking like Barney for as long as I can remember.

Someone let me know when those "Free Foxy Brown" shirts are printed.

The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 2 Comments

Thursday, September 06, 2007
1:03 PM

A Hunnid Years


I swear I'm not trying to make a new home via soapbox, but I just saw this video on a message board, and I wouldn't be me if I didn't point out how another part of me just died inside.

I love the South, I'm proud to be from the South, and I think a lot of the criticism southern hip hop gets isn't fair given stupidity in music transcends regional boundaries, but in this instance, there's not much I can refute.

We've gone from It Takes A Nation of Millions To Hold Us Back to this.

I'm sure Plies meant well, but when you speak like your tongue had a stroke, no one will take what you say seriously, no matter how profound it is.

Every other word being nigga doesn't help much either. Or maybe I'm expecting too much despite knowing nine-year-olds that are more articulate. I've been warned about being a ghetto snob.

I'm sure this will be played on 106 and Park and the radio constantly all the same.

Carry on.

The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 1 Comments

Wednesday, September 05, 2007
5:04 PM

They Grow Up So Fast


Chris Brown strikes me as one of those nice kids that get corrupted the second they start taking someone's bad advice and start trying to be something that they're not.

It started with his tattoos.

It's a problem when you presumably have money, or at the very least, a large enough advance check and access to the finest everything, yet you still have tattoos that look as if they were etched into your skin with a number three pencil. I'm broke with a better tattoo. That's not right.

If you're going to have ugly prison tats, get them in places that won't prevent you from securing roles. Or if you're going to be marked where all can see, get something better than a skull and...I don't know what that's supposed to be. A ring, I guess. Whatever it is, it's corny, because Chris Brown is not hard.

Thugs don't dress like Urkel and proceed to spin and dip. I know where you got that from, Chris.

Not fly. He looks as if the photographer caught him between a bad case of gas or jock itch. Either way, smooth criminal you are not.

And then there's the video sitting atop of the entry. While I am impressed by his strength, listening to some grown man that looks like a Ja-Fakin' version of Homie the Clown tell you what to do on stage isn't the way to start off adulthood.

Don't get me wrong, I like Crust Brown (thank you, Blu), I really do. He sort of reminds me of Al B. Sure only with rhythm. You know, light skinned, can't really sing. But I do like him, which is why I'm worried.

I began to tolerate "Wall to Wall" despite the video. I can't get into "Kiss, Kiss," though. I'm sure it will be a hit, because T-Pain is on it, but the idea of someone that's been declared the future of R&B already seeking out an easy hit isn't a good sign for his thrown.

It's like his handlers saw something obviously working, but being the geniuses that they are, decided to change everything in an effort to perpetuate the status quo. It's doing wonders, with one single already tanking, another rushed out, and a third single with an accompanying video set to be released before the album (that's been since pushed back) is released in Novemeber.

If I were Chris, I'd have that etch-a-sketch inspired-tattoo burned off the second after I tell my A&R rep that's a special place he or she can kiss, kiss.

The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 1 Comments

4:10 PM

Are You Reading?


I take it CNN decided to go with Tony Harris because he's black and already working the shift, but in future debates, I think it would be best if they went with someone who actually watches BET. If you have to ask if "A Bay Bay" is aired mid-afternoon you're not watching BET. Very anchor-like, he's talking over the guests to throw out his own opinion, but he's clearly misinformed about the network's programming. Way to prove your point, Tony.

When I first saw it, I thought it was satire. It sounds like Lil Jon', the lyrics are telling children to read a book the same way most current songs on the Hot 100 tell them to bend over, so I pretty much got what the people behind the song and video were going for early on.

Perhaps the notion that you have to speak to audiences in this way to grab their attention is an issue, but I didn't personally find it offensive.

If anyone should be mad about the video, it should be Aaron McGruder, because it's swagger jacking his style to the nth degree.

I'm more intrigued by the BET being behind this. The irony.

Now that mainstream media and Jesse have all pounced on this, I get the feeling this debate will only intensify.

If only this show were still popular.

The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 3 Comments

Tuesday, September 04, 2007
5:19 PM

Is This Your Cup Of Tea?


I really don't like the idea of me seeming old at the age of 23, or even worse, a prude. But after listening to a song called "Teabag Dat Hoe," I think I'm ready to grab my walker and turn on Hi- Five's "The Kissing Game" as I'm beginning to value subtly.

I have been called vulgar, once, twice, more times than I can count --- and that was just last night. But, I've never said "drop them nuts all in her throat" over a Casio-made beat. I do have standards.

I heard of this song a long time ago, only I blocked it out with the hopes that if I didn't hear it, it would never become real. So much for that.

The poetic geniuses behind this masterpiece make 2 Live Crew look like Boyz II Men down on bended knee.

Despite the misogynistic lyrics, this special ode to oral therapy has still managed to find fanfare among some impressionable young girls everywhere.

Check out the comments of the song on Big Booty 21's imeem playlist.


teabag dat hoeeeee lol this is the shit haha

lol ya gotta do my folk..dis shit crunk ass hell.......And Ya Kno Dis ........nisha

It's times like these that make you appreciate the illiterates of the world.

If you want to hear the actual song, you can click on that link. I opted not to embed the stream on my blog. Call it a hunch.

The Cynical Ones.
posted by Michael at 4 Comments